The NJDVRS, in the New Jersey Department of Labor and Industry, has provided services to thousands of handicapped New Jersey citizens for over fifty years to help them prepare for gainful and suitable employment and to lead a more meaningful and productive life. Agency services are centered around an individually tailored rehabilitation plan designed cooperatively by the eligible handicapped individual and the Rehabilitation Counselor. The plan may be as comprehensive as necessary to create, restore, or preserve employability for those who need such help.
A New Jersey resident with a physical, emotional, or mental disability who, with services, is expected to pursue a gainful occupation within a reasonable amount of time may be eligible. Among the services that might be provided are:
- Vocational counseling and guidance,
- Diagnostic services including medical psychological and vocational assessments,
- Medical assistance or physical restoration to reduce or remove the handicapping condition,
- Physical aids as needed to modify the client’s handicap,
- Job training,
- Job placement,
- Follow-up to assist in job adjustment. Handicapped individuals may be asked to share in the expense of services if they are able to do so. However, diagnostic evaluation, vocational counseling and guidance, job placement and follow-up are offered without charge.
These counselors have training in the various aspects surrounding hearing impairment and an awareness and knowledge of the various modes of communications used by the deaf, and can communicate with the deaf on a one-to-one basis or through an interpreter. They understand hearing impairments and amplification and can realistically counsel hearing impaired clients toward hearing aid expectations, communication limitations, and commensurate vocational aspirations and required accommodations.